Acute respiratory infections (ARIs)
Acute respiratory infections (ARIs)
Last update: 2024-03-13
Key facts
Transmission: Airborne or droplet-borne (usually)
- When infected people cough, sneeze, blow their nose or spit, they spread small particles or droplets through the air, which are then breathed in by other people
- Direct contact (for example, through kissing, sharing cups or eating utensils) with infected saliva or nose mucous
Most vulnerable to severe consequences
- Children under five years old
- Elderly
- People with weakened immune systems or other respiratory problems
Most vulnerable to contracting the disease
- Displaced populations and others who live in overcrowded environments
- Cough (may cough up mucous or phlegm)
- Difficulty breathing
- Fever (sometimes)
What can you do to prevent and control an epidemic?
Monitoring the community and identifying sick people
- Identifying people with suspected ARIs
- Identify and isolate sick people before they spread the disease to others
Treatment and management
- Referral of serious cases (example: high fever, difficulty breathing, rapid respirations) to health facilities
- Manage and improve nutritional situation, especially of children
- Encourage exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and complementary breastfeeding until the age of two years, and especially when children are sick.
- Check the nutritional status of children under five (MUAC screening), refer cases of suspected malnutrition to health services and support nutritional programming
- Provide psychosocial support to the sick person and their family members
Safe shelters and spaces
- Reduce overcrowding and improve ventilation in living shelters, workplaces and schools if possible
Hand and respiratory hygiene
- Promote good hand hygiene (handwashing with soap)
- Promote respiratory hygiene and coughing etiquette (cover your cough or sneeze using your sleeve or a tissue, wash hands after coughing or sneezing, do not spit onto the ground or in public)
- Use personal protection (for example, face mask)
Social mobilization and health promotion
- Find out the specific advice being given by health and other relevant authorities
- Model following this advice and inform community members of current health practice advice
- Offer support and encouragement to follow the advice
- Try to gain understanding about if and why health practice advice is not being followed
- With the advice of your supervisor and health authorities, work with communities to overcome barriers to following health advice and recommended practices
- Promote social distancing
Mapping and community assessment
- Make a map of the community.
- Mark the following information on the map:
- How many people have fallen sick with acute respiratory infections? Where?
- How many people have died? Where? When?
- Who and where are the vulnerable people?
- Where are the local health facilities and services? (include traditional healers)
- Record the following information on the back of the map:
- When did people start to fall sick with acute respiratory infections?
- How many people live in the affected community? How many are children under five years?
- How common is it for people to live together in crowded spaces? Is there ventilation and fresh air in homes, schools and workplaces?
- Are children badly affected by acute respiratory infections? Are there other groups (specific ages, occupations, geographic areas, etc.) that are badly affected?
- What are the community’s habits, practices and beliefs about caring for and feeding sick people? Consider any differences in roles and responsibilities between women and men.
- When babies and infants are sick, do women continue to breastfeed them?
- Is a social mobilization or health promotion programme in place?
- Which sources do people use/trust the most for information?
- Are there rumours or misinformation about acute respiratory infections? What are the rumours?
Volunteer actions
01. Community-based surveillance
02. Community mapping
03. Communicating with the community
04. Community referral to health facilities
05. Volunteer protection and safety
12. Managing fever
13. Breastfeeding
14. Infant and young child feeding in emergencies
15. Measuring acute malnutrition in emergencies
17. Measuring mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)
19. Psychosocial support
24. Routine vaccinations
26. Respiratory hygiene and coughing etiquette
27. Shelter and ventilation
28. Physical distancing
29. Hygiene promotion
34. Handwashing with soap
43. Social mobilization and behaviour change