Training manual
Training manual
Last update: 2022-05-03
List of abbreviations
Session 1.1. The importance of epidemics
Session 1.2. Volunteers and epidemic control
Session 1.3. Epidemics: introduction and definitions
Session 1.4. Special issues in dealing with epidemics and infections
Session 2.1. Understanding an epidemic
Session 2.2. Epidemic response cycle
Session 2.3. Understanding risk
Session 3.1. Before an epidemic
Session 3.2. Actions in the epidemic alert phase
Session 3.3. Actions during an epidemic
Session 3.4. Actions after an epidemic
Session 4.1. Introduction to the toolkit
Session 4.2. Disease tools
Session 4.3. Action tools
Session 4.4. Community message tools
Session 4.5. How to assemble and use the toolkit
Session 4.6. Diseases that cause epidemics
Group 1. Faecal-oral infections
Group 2. Diseases preventable by vaccination
Group 3. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes
Group 4. Acute respiratory infections
Group 5. Haemorrhagic (bleeding) fevers
Group 6. Zoonotic diseases spread by animals
Group 7. Other diseases
Session 4.7. Other important infections and conditions