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Epidemic Control Toolkit
for response managers
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Additional resources for managers

Volunteers and Managers Well-Being
Protection, Gender and Inclusion


Community Engagement and Accountability
  • Fact sheet about key actions for achieving good community engagement in hygiene promotion, common mistakes and a scorecard to find out if your Health promotion programming is achieving good community engagement:

    Watsan mission assistant (2021). Fact sheet. CEA and Hygiene Promotion. Available at: 20211101_CEA_HygienePromotion_FactSheet.pdf (
  • Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) is an approach to motivate people to act by changing their behaviour, and building individual, family and community support systems around them. In this video, we guide you through the steps to facilitate behaviour change, using the example of BCC in response to pneumonia.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • IFRC Watsan Mission Assistant is a site offering a wide range of tools and guidance for WASH practitioners available at:
  • The Compendium of Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies provides a comprehensive and systematic compilation of the most relevant and sector-reviewed components, tools, methods and approaches to design and implement successful Hygiene Promotion interventions. It draws on the latest initiatives, materials and evidence, disaggregating Hygiene Promotion into its functional components, clarifying terminology and providing guidance on the most appropriate solutions in a given context. Available at:…;

Decision-making flow chart for emergency contexts where there is food insecurity and/or malnutrition and the National Society plans to integrate an element of malnutrition response into emergency response or long-term health programming

Data collection and needs assessment tools

Tools developed by the RCRC to assess needs in emergencies. These are tailored for the use of National Societies and IFRC Emergency Response Tools such as Emergency Response Units and Surge personnel. 

  • Rapid Public Health Situation Analysis Tool:

    • Context Analysis (Part A) - This is for NS elaborating DREF or EA/EPoA and for Surge Public Health Coordinators responding to a suspected/confirmed disease outbreak or following a crisis/disaster where there is a risk of a disease outbreak. It assists teams to design a community-based public health (non-clinical) auxiliary assistance to national and local health authorities in the country of intervention. It gathers information on the context and the existing capacity of the NS to respond to the outbreak. It should be completed by or with the assistance of a person with public health or clinical background. Complete Part B of this tool once data has been gathered for the context analysis. 

    • Information, knowledge, perceptions, and practices (Part B) -Complete part A of this tool prior to using this document. The data collected will help teams better understand issues on information and communication; knowledge, awareness and understanding; and perceptions and practices, about the disease of concern. Results should inform priority messaging based on identified gaps and should guide teams to supplement standardized messaging with tailored health education (e.g. if people understand symptoms but not transmission modes, messaging should focus on the latter; if people want to seek care in health facilities but they are not accessible, NS should avoid referring community members to those structures and work with the MoH to find alternatives). If there is more than one disease of concern, NS should seek answers separately for each disease. The tool may be used as an initial rapid assessment at the beginning of the operation, or both at the beginning (baseline) and at later stages for ongoing project monitoring purposes. 

  • Rapid emergency health needs assessment tools (this document includes an overview of the purpose of the available tools, when and where to use them, and who should use them):
    • Tool 1 – Rapid secondary data review

      Process of desk-based data collection, synthesis, and analysis of relevant information available from various sources, including government, NGOs, media, UN agencies, international institutions. The data can inform preparedness measures and operational decision making. Information includes (1) pre-emergency information: population of interest, health care system, health situation (including mental health); (2) post-emergency information: type of emergency, general contributors, impact of the emergency on the population, including information on location, groups, humanitarian access, and basic health needs; and (3) response capacity: local (from authorities and non-governmental entities); international actors; and RCRC National Society.
    • Tool 2 - Rapid Health Assessment Form

      Essential information on (1) Demographics; (2) Health status (mortality, morbidity, EPI, malnutrition); and (3) Health services: availability and access.
    • Tool 3 – Health facility assessment form

      This is a tool to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of an individual health structure following an emergency. It includes general information and demographics in the area; staff; available services; detailed statistics on mortality/morbidity/surveillance; drugs and supplies; structure (building) and transport.
    • Tool 4 – Reference values for health needs assessments

      Reference norms for main health indicators in emergencies.


  • Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey: The IFRC have initiated the Pilot Partnership Program (PPP) with funding from the European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO). The main objective of the program is to strengthen local humanitarian action in five pillars: Disaster Risk Management, Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness, People on the Move, Cash and Voucher Assistance, and Community Engagement and Accountability. To collect information in a consistent way in all countries, a long list of questions has been created to carry out Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice (KAP) surveys with target populations. This document provides guidance to National Societies on how to use these questions to collect and use information for the PPP and any other program working in the same thematic areas. Although this document has been designed specifically for the PPP, the tools can be used in other interventions. 



Other resources on IFRC's work
  • IFRC GO aims to make all disaster information universally accessible and useful to IFRC responders for better decision making. It includes an overview of IFRC response operations to disasters and crises globally and be accessed at: