Session 4.5. How to assemble and use the toolkit
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Assemble and use the toolkit for any kind of epidemic
Part 4.5.1. How to assemble and use the toolkit
After the health authorities have declared an epidemic and announced what disease is causing it, you will need to begin using your toolkit.
Step 1
Look at the disease tools. Find the disease tool that matches the disease that your health authorities have said is causing the epidemic. Read it to refresh your memory of the disease. Give attention to the following:
- What causes the disease?
- How is it transmitted?
- What symptoms does it cause?
- How is it prevented and controlled?
- What can volunteers do to help?
Scroll to the end of the website to find specific questions you should ask when assessing an epidemic caused by this disease.
Step 2
Find the number on the front of your disease tool and match it to the number on the action tools. This is how you will find out what actions need to be taken to deal with the epidemic your community is facing.
Read the matching action tools and use them to make a plan and then take action. Remember to:
- Identify who is vulnerable in your community.
- Establish the source and cause of the epidemic.
- Use the cards to identify specific actions you can take to help people during the epidemic.
Step 3
Look at the number on the action tools that you chose. This time, look for the number that matches numbers on the community message tools. Not all action tools link to community messages.
Use these tools to help you remember the key messages you should discuss and share with members of your community. The tools carry important messages that everyone in your community will need to know to avoid spreading the epidemic. The tools will also tell you how to show people what they should do to take care of themselves or others if they become sick. Remember to:
- Read the tools carefully and many times so that you understand the messages you need to share.
- Share the tools and messages with others in your community so that everyone has the information they need. Use them to teach people the DO’S and DON’TS of each epidemic.