Session 4.4. Community message tools
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Discuss community message tools
- Use community message tools to promote health during epidemics
Part 4.4.1. What are the community message tools?
Community messaging is based on some core principles:
- Takes steps to actively involve communities, who are at the centre of preparedness and response.
- Contextualizes information socially and culturally.
- Recognizes diversity and vulnerabilities in communities.
- Monitors, learns and revises in a continuous cycle.
- Is accountable.
- Encourages effective coordination and partnerships.
- Values volunteers.
- Emphasizes two-way communication. Moving beyond a list of key messages, it focuses on facilitating a conversation that supports individual choice and decisions based on fact.
The community message tools in the toolkit contain drawings and a message. Each tool has a different message that relates to a specific action. You should use the tools to guide you when you start a discussion with the community.
The number on each tool helps you to find them easily. If you look again at the action tools, the number on each card tells you which community message tools you should use.
An example of a community message tool: 16. Attending vaccination campaigns
It is important to remember that community messages change. You cannot always use the same message in every community. The printed tools in the toolkit are only examples of the kinds of message you should share with your community. It is important to adapt messages to your local context, and make sure they are in line with information provided by health authorities. If possible, adapt the tools before an epidemic starts, during the preparedness phase.
Part 4.4.2. List of community message tools
1. Preparing and giving oral rehydration solution (ORS).
2. Caring for a person with fever.
3. Breastfeeding.
4. Storing water properly.
5. Use of clean safe drinking water.
6. Using a clean latrine.
7. Protecting yourself against mosquitoes.
8. Washing hands with soap.
9. When to wash hands.
10. Steps for washing hands in epidemics.
11. Cleaning up places where mosquitoes breed.
12. Good food hygiene.
13. Good personal hygiene.
14. Vaccinations for children.
15. Using vaccination cards.
16. Attending vaccination campaigns.
17. Sleeping under mosquito nets.
18. Coughing correctly.
19. Safe burial practices.
20. Collecting and disposing of rubbish.
21. Social distancing.
22. Good ventilation.
23. Encouraging healthy behaviours in a community.
24. Finding sick people.
25. Handling and slaughtering animals.
26. Practising safe sex.
27. Keeping rodents out.
28. Preparing and giving zinc.
29. Attending nutrition checks.