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Epidemic Control Toolkit
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Session 4.2. Disease tools

Last update: 2022-05-03

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the disease tools.
  • Use the disease tools and assessment questions.

Part 4.2.1. What are the disease tools?

The disease tools in your toolkit give basic information on diseases that cause epidemics.

Each disease has its own tool. These disease tools describe the different diseases that can cause an epidemic. Each disease tool contains the name of the disease, how it is transmitted, and some information on its prevention and control. When scrolling further, a list appears that contains some important questions to ask when you assess an epidemic caused by this disease.

Each disease card also has a sequence of numbers with volunteer actions on the front. These tell you what action tools to use when dealing with this disease. The action tools are also tools in your toolkit. When you select the numbers, you will be able to pick the action tools that are appropriate for the epidemic in question. The action tools also contain some community messages. By putting all the toolkit information together, you obtain a simple working guide for the specific epidemic you must deal with.

An example of a Disease tool: Cholera

Part 4.2.2. List of disease tools

fecal-oral infections icon Fecal-oral infections

1. Acute diarrhoeal disease

2. Cholera

3. Hepatitis A

4. Hepatitis E

5. Typhoid fever

6. Acute bloody diarrhoea
Diseases preventable by vaccination icon Diseases preventable by vaccination

7. Acute respiratory infections preventable by vaccine

8. Measles

9. Meningococcal meningitis

10. Polio

11. Yellow fever
Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes icon Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes

12. Chikungunya

13. Dengue fever

14. Malaria

15. Zika virus infection
Acute respiratory infections icon Acute respiratory infections

16. Acute respiratory infections
Haemorrhagic fever icon Haemorrhagic (bleeding) fevers

17. Ebola virus disease

18. Lassa fever

19. Marburg haemorrhagic fever
Zoonotic diseases icon Zoonotic diseases (diseases spread by animals)

20. Plague

21. Anthrax

22. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

23. Leptospirosis

24. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus

25. Monkeypox

26. Rift Valley fever
Other diseases icon Other diseases

27. Hand, foot and mouth disease

28. Unexplained clusters of deaths

29. Acute malnutrition